Partner / Sponsor
For 15 years, Mountain Bikers of the Central Okanagan (MTBCO) has been maintaining trail networks in the Kelowna region. We have grown significantly over the past few years, and are proud to have over 1000 members. Our vision is to not only continue to grow our local membership base, but also to turn the Kelowna region into a world-class mountain biking destination.
Our Mission
Our mission is to improve and promote mountain biking in the Kelowna area by developing the trail networks, organizing events, and building the mountain bike community. We are empowered by our membership to create a world class trail network in the Okanagan Valley.
Under partnership agreements with the City of Kelowna, B.C. Parks, and Recreation Sites and Trails B.C. (RSTBC) we manage over 250 km of trails, located in our 3 managed-trail networks: Knox Mountain, Gillard, and Crawford.
We rely on the funds generated from sponsorships, donations, membership, and grants to provide our community with outstanding mountain bike trails.
Photo: Ben Walker

Sponsorship Benefits
MTBCO has a high profile in our community. We have over 1000 members, the majority of whom are local. We have a dedicated board and a reputation for accountability.
We work with you to promote your business and will highlight your contributions to the community through our social media channels, newsletter, and events. We are proud of our community and the incredible generosity of our residents and local businesses. We would be happy to work with you to develop a sponsorship plan that works for your organization.
Photo: Ben Walker

Sponsorship Tiers
Double Black Diamond
- Logo & link on our homepage
- Logo & Business Bio on Sponsorship page
- Recognition as “Double Black Diamond Sponsor” on sponsorship page
- Recognition as “Double Black Diamond Sponsor” at MTBCO events
- Opportunity to display your banner at MTBCO events
- Logo on all newsletters
- Right to use MTBCO logo and mention “Double Black Diamond Sponsor”
- Submit content (e.g., business highlights or blog posts) to be featured in newsletters or on our website, or tag us on social media for potential reposts
- 10 free memberships
Cost: $5000
Become a Double Black Diamond SponsorBlack Diamond
- Logo & link on our homepage
- Logo & Business Bio on Sponsorship page
- Recognition as “Black Diamond Sponsor” on sponsorship page
- Logo on all newsletters
- Right to use MTBCO logo mention “Black Diamond Sponsor”
- Submit content (e.g., business highlights or blog posts) to be featured in newsletters or on our website, or tag us on social media for potential reposts
- 5 free memberships
Cost: $2500
Become a Black Diamond SponsorBlue Square
- Logo & Business Bio on Sponsorship page of website
- Right to use MTBCO logo and mention “Blue Square Sponsor”
- 2 free memberships
Cost: $1000
Become a Blue Square SponsorGreen Circle
- Logo on Sponsorship page of website
- Right to use MTBCO logo and mention “Green Circle Sponsor”
Cost: $300
Become a Green Circle Sponsor