Gillard Adopt-a-Trail Program
MTBCO is offering local businesses, individuals, and groups the opportunity to sponsor select trails at the Gillard Trail Network. MTBCO will furnish a 4”x4” label featuring the sponsor's logo to the designated trailhead marker and showcase all sponsors on the parking lot kiosk. Funds collected through this program will contribute to the MTBCO’s operating costs, trail projects and events at Gillard. 15% of funds collected from this program will be donated to Westbank First Nation youth programs.
Interested parties will have the option to sponsor a trail for one mtb season. When a purchase is made, an email will be sent to the purchaser to request the party’s logo and a short description of their interests/business. MTBCO holds the right to deny parties' sponsorship if their intentions are in contravention to MTBCO’s core values. In these circumstances, a full refund will be provided.
Being a trail sponsor does not give exclusive rights to hold events, perform maintenance, or make changes / additions to the trail. For such activities, MTBCO would encourage sponsors to share their intentions, then collectively determine a means through MTBCO’s Partner Agreement with RSTBC.
Available for sponsorship starting March 11, 2025 on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsorship fees will remain the same as previous years.
Terms and Conditions
- Fees and Duration - There will be two tiers of fees based on the popularity of the trail to be sponsored. Sponsors will have the option to sponsor a trail for one mountain bike season (April - Nov). At the end of the term, the trail will be offered again to anyone interested in being the next sponsor. The fee for each trail can be found on shopify.
- Annual terms end March 31 the following year.
- Fees will be collected at the beginning of the term. No discount will be offered for mid season sponsorships.
- Signage - Adopt-a-Trail placard will be attached to the existing trailhead marker. Each sign is 4x4” and will display “TRAIL SPONSORED BY” and show the logo of the sponsor. An additional placard will be the Gillard parking lot on the Kiosk, showcasing all the trail sponsors for that year (example signage schematic).
- Trails - Only trails that meet RSTBC’s trail standards will be available for sponsorship.
- Applicant Screening - MTBCO reserves the authority to reject sponsorship applications that conflict with its core values, which prioritize inclusivity and embrace individuals' diverse abilities and differences. The Gillard Adopt-a-Trail Program is not intended as a platform for promoting political views. In the event of application rejection, a full refund will be issued.
- Trail Closures - If a sponsored trail is subject to a closure, the following conditions will apply:
- There will be no refund nor extensions to any sponsorship agreement to compensate for a trail closure.
- One temporary closure of less than 30 days within a term, the sponsorship agreement will remain as written.
- Three or more temporary closures within a term, or a single closure greater than 30 days, the sponsor may request to have agreement transfer to an alternate trail.
- Termination of Sponsorship - MTBCO holds the right to terminate a sponsorship if the sponsor is found to be in contravention of MTBCO’s core values. A 30 day notice will be provided and no refund will be given. If the sponsor requests to terminate the sponsorship, no refund will be provided. The sponsor’s logo will be removed from the sign and the trail will be made available to the next applicant.
- Other Conditions
- RSTBC has approved this program as written
- MTBCO is the owner of the signage hardware and is responsible for maintaining the signage hardware.
- MTBCO will remove the sponsor’s sign when the term has expired.
- The sponsor holds no authority for construction, changes, or additions to the sponsored trail. Such activities would be approved by MTBCO through their Partner Agreement with RSTBC and / or directly with RSTBC through the Section 57 process.
- The sponsor holds no authority to host events on the sponsored trail. Such activities would be approved by MTBCO through their Partner Agreement with RSTBC and / or directly with RSTBC through the Section 16 process.
- No liability is held to the sponsor for the trail's design, condition, or status. This will continue with MTBCO and RSTBC.
- The Gillard Adopt-a-Trail Program is a separate program from the standard MTBCO sponsorship opportunities and does not include sponsor’s logos to be displayed on MTBCO’s website, newsletters, and social feeds.
- Gillard: Gillard Recreation Trails (REC#204662), Gillard FSR, Kelowna BC
- MTBCO: Mountain Bikers of the Central Okanagan
- RSTBC: Recreation Sites and Trail British Columbia
- Section 57: Authorization required for constructing, rehabilitating or maintaining a trail or recreation facility on Crown Land
- Section 16: Authorization to use a recreation site, recreation trail or interpretive forest site to host an event.
- Trail closure: Refers to the temporary or permanent shutdown of a trail due to various reasons including but not limited to construction, maintenance, unsafe conditions, environmental impacts, wildlife, industrial activities, public orders.